Hello Everyone,

I am leaving today to go back to the United States. I'm very glad to be going home to my family and friends, but also sad to be leaving Lugo and Casás. I have had a wonderful time here and will miss all the students and teachers. I wish you all the very best, and I hope to come back and see you again some day!


P.S. Here are some pictures of me with the kids from each grade...
Look at these pretty flowers the first graders made for their moms!
Take a look at our version of Carnaval!
Here are some pics from Carnaval at the school. Hope everyone had a good holiday!
We added the Valentine's Day PowerPoint on the Presentations page. Soon we will put up pictures of the fifth and sixth graders' cards! <3
Decorations around the school, from our first grade and preschool students:
Eleven students from CEIP Casás won prizes in La Voz de la Verdad's Christmas card contest! Congratulations!