The fifth and sixth graders liked the bracelets so much that we spent the last few weeks making more! Here are some pics of the sixth graders at work.
Happy Mother's Day! The fifth and sixth graders made these beautiful macrame bracelets for their moms. Look how well they turned out! We hope all the moms loved their gifts!
The fifth and sixth graders made these beautiful doves by folding and cutting paper doilies. We hung them up in the hallway.
We've been absent from the blog for a while, but now we're back from the holidays! Hope everyone is having a great 2012 so far. Here are some pictures of the beautiful Nativity Scene that the sixth graders made.
The sixth graders spent the last two classes creating models for a Nativity Scene. They also collected moss, branches, and rocks for the background. On Wednesday, Rebecca and Elvira set up the background, and the students arranged the models. It looks beautiful! We've received tons of compliments. Check back soon for photos!
Today, the sixth graders made models of the Pilgrims to celebrate Thanksgiving. They used card stock and empty toilet paper tubes. It was a bit tricky, but the models turned out very nicely! Next week, we'll learn a little bit more about Thanksgiving and the Pilgrims.
Here we will post what the sixth years are doing each week. We'll include pictures of the crafts they make, instructions that you can download, and write about what they're doing in I.T.